We Appreciate Your Donations for the Build-a-Basket Carnival ‘FUN’draiser

Carnival is rescheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2017 from 4-7 pm. Last year our PTSA tried a new “FUN”draiser called Build-a-Basket at the Carnival. You might remember those beautiful and valuable baskets donated by all of you! This fundraiser earned over $2000, so we are doing it again!

All proceeds will go to building an outdoor learning environment and playground at our school.

Basket Donations

Each classroom has chosen a theme for their basket. Families can choose to donate an item that relates to their theme that will be placed in that basket. With a little donation from a lot of families, each classroom can build an amazing basket!

An empty basket will be placed in your child’s classroom beginning Monday, May 8. Families can fill their classroom basket until Friday, May 19. Please refer to the sheet sent home in Friday folders for your classroom’s theme.

Ticket Info

Ticket info is coming soon.

Ticket Prices

1 ticket for $1
15 tickets for $10
35 tickets for $20
100 tickets for $50

Cash or checks only please!

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