Executive Board & Committee Chair List

2018-2019 Executive Board

Stevie Peonio

Responsibilities: Golf Tournament; Field Day; Junior Great Books; Membership; Outreach; Apparel; Giving Tree

Vice President
Margo Grieve

Responsibilities: Hospitality; Staff Appreciation; Class Parties/Pack Parents; Carnival; Talent Show; Social Events; Missoula Children’s Theater; Healthy Schools Team

Vice President
Courtney Johnson

Responsibilities: Communications (Marquee; FaceBook, Website; Wolf Tracks; Bulletin Board); EduKits

Vice President
Christi Brule

Responsibilities: Business Sponsorship; Pages with the Pack; Outdoor Learning Environment; Scholarship; Reflections; Box-tops/Milk caps

Heather King

Responsibilities: Audit/Tax; Directory

Julie Eaton

Responsibilities: Run with the Wolves; Legislative Liaison; Yearbook; PTSA SAC Representative

Need to contact a board member or a committee chair?

Please use the main contact form and the admin who receives your message will forward to the appropriate person.

2018-2019 Committee Chairs

[embeddoc url=”https://westwoodselementaryptsa.com/files/2019/06/chairs-2019.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

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